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SKU: X1841M Categories : Primary antibodies, Primary antibodies, Monoclonal Antibody
 Western blot using Exalpha’s X1841M anti AFp monoclonal antibody at 4 ug/ml on HepG2 cell lysate (10 ug/lane). Anti-Mouse HRp was used at 1:75k. Blots were developed using Pierce’s Super Signal West Femto. Exposure was 1 2 minutes.

Western blot using Exalpha’s X1841M anti AFp monoclonal antibody at 4 ug/ml on HepG2 cell lysate (10 ug/lane). Anti-Mouse HRp was used at 1:75k. Blots were developed using Pierce’s Super Signal West Femto. Exposure was 1 2 minutes.

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