Accelerating the Pace of Discovery


Showing 41-48 of 48 results

Code Name Product Type Clone
MUB2055P Mouse anti CD8 Primary Antibodies RIV11
MUB2056P Mouse anti CD11a, Integrin alpha-L Primary Antibodies NKI (SPV)-L1
P 411 Human IgG3 kappa G3m (b) Proteins & Peptides
P 430 Human IgA1 kappa, polymer Proteins & Peptides
RAHu/FXIII-A Rabbit anti Human Factor XIII-A Primary Antibodies Polyclonal
RAHu/IgA1-2 set Rabbit anti Human IgA1 IgA2 (subclass specific) Secondary Antibodies Polyclonal
SwAHu/IgG1-4 set Swine anti Human IgG1 IgG2 IgG3 IgG4 Secondary Antibodies Polyclonal
X2782M Mouse anti Human Kappa Light Chain Primary Antibodies L1C1